Jake is deaf and has a Cochlear implant. When he returns to school after the holidays, he discovers that Tilly, the school's tortoise, has gone missing! Who will be the superhero who finds her?
Deaf focus
Liam the Superhero
Meet Liam, a boy with a Cochlear implant who goes on lots of adventures with his friends as a superhero!
The Elephant in the Room
Skyler is hard of hearing but even with his hearing aids he sometimes finds it hard to hear. He is frustrated and doesn't feel much like talking today. What will it take to help Skylar feel better?
Picture Books
Slinky Malinki
Slinky Malinki, a cheeky cat by day and a master thief by night, steals everything from clothes pegs to sausages until he's finally caught red-handed with his stash of stolen goods.
Hairy Maclary's Hat Tricks
A fun rhyming story where Hairy Maclary saves the day by catching a wind-blown hat from a wedding party and returning it to Grandmother Pugh.
Scarface Claw
Scarface is the toughest tom in town, always proving his toughness to everyone. But there's one thing that does scare him!
The Great Kiwi ABC Book
The Great Kiwi ABC in a way you've never seen before! Explore a world filled with delightful surprises, from a milkshake-making cow and the All-Black lambs to a charming pink ski bunny and a giant squid.
I Love Lemonade
Quirky Turkey seeking sweet revenge... using Lemonade? Did Baa Baa take the lemonade? Was it really just a lemonade drink? Watch and see!
10 Greedy Goats
All are welcome
Baa Baa Smart Sheep
Smart Sheep is bored... can he get Quirky Turkey to try a smarty tablet? Watch and see!
Grandpa's Shed
Greedy Cat and the Goldfish
Jack Feels Big
Jack has a lot of different feelings – find out what they are, when he has them, and why he feels like that? Learn the names and signs of many different feelings.
Kiss Kiss Yuck Yuck!
Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm
Nee Naw the Little Fire Engine
Quaky Cat Helps Out
Ruby's Worry
Rugby 1 2 3
Stanley Paste
Stanley Paste is small. Really small. And he hates it. But when a new girl arrives at school, Stanley learns that perhaps being small is not so bad after all.
The Wonky Donkey
Have you ever seen a spunky, hanky-panky, cranky, stinky, dinky, lanky, honky-tonky, winky wonky donkey? Watch along and you’ll see one appear!
The Little Yellow Digger
Too Much Poo
How much poo can a little fly chew?! Little Fly learns how much is too much in this hilarious story about your eyes being bigger than your stomach.
Torty and the Soldier
Travel back in time to Salonika in Greece and discover a miraculous story of friendship that leads to the survival of an unusual war hero.
Watch out for the Weka
We're Off to Find a Kiwi
Willbee the Bumblebee
Willbee the bumblebee is so embarrassed when he realises that his black-and-yellow jacket has caught on a rose thorn and completely unraveled, showing his bare bum!
Mrs Wishy Washy
The Cow, Pig, and Duck were having a great time playing in the mud when they were interrupted by Mrs. Wishy-Washy. Despite their love for the lovely mud, Mrs. Wishy-Washy disapproved of their messy state and washed them clean. However, the moment she turned her back on this group that adored mud so much, something happened.
Bilingual Stories
The Seven Kites of Matariki
Seven sisters in a Māori village are preparing for the new year by following a tradition of making and flying kites. Watch and see what happens in this story about the Matariki star cluster.
The Tuatara and the Skink
A slow tuatara and a quick little skink are having a competition to see who is the fastest - who will win the race? Watch and see!
The Very Cranky Bear
Four animal friends - Moose, Lion, Zebra, and Sheep - enter a cave to get out of the rain. Find out who else is in the cave and what happens next!
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
We're going on a bear hunt - will you come too? Travel through a deep river, swampy mud, a dark forest, a snowstorm and more - what will we find?
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
A tiny and very hungry caterpillar is looking for something to eat... Find out what he munches through during the week, and what happens next?
Kiwi One and Kiwi Two
Two kiwis wake up to play, but all the other animals are fast asleep. The kiwis wake them up as they play through the night. Do the kiwis get tired? Let’s find out!