How can you use number handshapes to tell a story? Watch this story about a caterpillar and find out!
Learn NZSL
NZSL Bites Level One
Do you know an everyday word for each letter of the alphabet? Follow along and learn something new!
Fingerspelling Quiz - Name
Food Shopping
Go on a trip to the supermarket and learn how to communicate your likes and dislikes - keep an eye on the trolley!
Getting Ready for School
What do you do in the morning to get ready for school? Do you do it at the same time as our friend in this video?
How to wrap a present
There are lots of things to focus on when wrapping a present… including making sure you wrap the right thing!
What do you say when you meet someone new? Learn a few useful phrases to help make introductions easy.
Let's Wash The Car
Magic Mirror
It's a cultural norm in the Deaf community to describe the shape and size of someone - have a look!
Peter's Plane
Rainbow Colours
Learn about the colours of the rainbow in this discussion between two friends. Watch for clues about Deaf culture too!
School in the afternoon
What happens at school in the afternoon? Learn to sign the time from 12 o'clock to 3 o'clock with everyday school activities.
Setting up the Christmas Tree
It's time to decorate the Christmas tree! Learn the signs for some favourite ornaments.
Shapes Game
Practice your big and small shapes with this cool arcade game themed lesson - will you win?
Signing the Numbers from 1 to 20
Learn to count from 1 to 20 by climbing to the top of a diving board! What happens next?
Signing the Numbers from 30 to 1000
Learn how to sign in tens from 30 to 100 and in hundreds from there to 1000!
Go on a tramping story through poetry storytelling - does anything unexpected happen? How does our tramper feel at the end?
Weather Report
What’s the weather like today? Sometimes we get four seasons in one day in New Zealand! Can you describe what it’s like outside?
What I Want for Christmas
What do you want for Christmas? Don't forget to write it all down on a list for Father Christmas!
What Month is this
Travel through the year and work out the month from the clues in the weather – based on the seasons downunder in New Zealand of course!
What time is it?
Don't lose track of time! Learn to sign what's on the clock in this fun introduction to signing the time.
Maths Game
Take a few minutes to practice your numbers and maths signs with this cool maths game!
NZSL Bites Level Two
A New Puppy
Learn how to use 'wh-' words to ask questions and find out information - what does our friend want?
At the Movies
Do you like going to the movies? Learn how to buy a ticket and ask for instructions - you don't want to end up in the wrong theatre!
Birthday Planning
What do you like to do on your birthday? Here are some ideas... which one does our friend choose?
Christmas Morning
It's Christmas morning! Are there any presents under the tree? What shapes, sizes, and colours are they?
Deaf Technologies of the Past to Now
Look at how much technology has changed over the years to help us in different ways - compare typewriters, hearing aids, and phones!
Directions to the Deaf Club
Can you help someone who is lost - or ask for directions if you can't find your way? Why can't our friend find their way to Deaf Club?
Going to Careers Expo
A career expo is a great place to learn about different types of jobs and discover what you might like to do for work.
How to make sports Deaf-friendly
Deaf people enjoy all kinds of sports - find out some hand signals that make sports accessible if you can't hear the whistle.
House Talk
Our friends are talking about their likes and dislikes on their way home - one of them has just moved house.
In the Bakery
Mmmm, what's that smell? It's a Bakery! Choose something to buy from the yummy things on display - have you got enough money?
Kotuku History
Take a look inside the van Asch Museum and find out why an old school uniform has a logo of a Kōtuku (white heron)?
Mother's Day
In New Zealand, Mother’s Day is in May – our friend and his sister think of things they can do for their Mum… does it go according to plan?
New Zealand Sign Language Week
Every year we celebrate New Zealand Sign Language during NZSL Week - watch a special news broadcast about it and give it a go!
Treaty of Waitangi
Learn some signs to talk about Waitangi Day and why it's a special occasion for us to remember each year.
Have you been to the zoo lately? Discover all the things our friend saw on his fun afternoon at the zoo.
Bike Road Safety
When riding your bike, it's important to remember some basic cycle safety - watch to find out more.
NZSL Bites Level Three
An Invitation to a Snowboarding Competition
Have you ever been snowboarding? Our friend has received an exciting invitation and decides to share it on a video message, until...
Watch this fun poem about basketball told with the clever use of signs for numbers one through to ten.
Bed to Bed
How many different words can you sign using the index finger shape? Watch this fun story and find out!
Car Burger Cow
Watch this fun story about a car ride told using the handshape for the letter C - how many words and expressions can you sign with this shape?
Classroom Commands
Watch how a teacher gives instructions to one of his students - can you follow what's being asked?
Deaf Rugby
Watch this news report about Deaf rugby - an annual competition between three regional rugby teams. Which team are you supporting?
Deaf Way
Join in this fun, rhythmical sign song about things Deaf people value which reduce barriers to communication and daily living.
Elephant Game
Do you know how to play the Elephant Game? Watch and find out, then play along with whānau and friends!
Fire Drill
When the fire alarm goes off, do you know what to do? Stay safe by following the teacher's instructions.
Take a walk through the forest and experience all the sights and action through this clever poem using the signs for numbers one through to ten.
Watch this moving poem which expresses elements in a funeral with the clever use of signs for numbers one through to ten.
History of Communication in Deaf School
Watch our friends in the library discuss how far sign language has come since the early years of Deaf Education in New Zealand.
How to make a sandwich
What do you like in your sandwiches? Watch this video to learn how to order your ideal lunch!
New Zealand Seasons
The changing seasons can change our emotions - how does our friend feel in spring, summer, autumn, and winter?
Learn how to describe where things are located with this student who is looking for her stationery.
Spin-off NZSL Song!
Sign sing your way through the school day - what activities does our friend get up to?
Snow Farm
Watch this fun story about a walk in the snow car using the closed fist handshape - how many words and expressions can you sign with this shape?
NZSL Bites Level Six
Subjects in NZSL
This instructional video introduces NZSL users to the subject of flight. There are four sections: (1) Aircraft; (2) Aeroplane parts; (3) Flight terms; and (4) Flight concepts.
Early Language
Introducing Myself in NZSL
Master the basics of introducing yourself in sign, including signing "Good morning" or "Good afternoon," fingerspelling your name, sharing your sign name, and more.
Signs for Starters - Part 1
Learn how to sign family relationships, rooms and furniture in the home, activities, toys, and feelings.
Signs for Starters - Part 2
Learn how to sign numbers, ask questions, vehicles, parts of the body, opposites, food, colours, and clothing.
Signs for Starters - Part 3
Learn how to sign things in the outdoors, places to go, things you might see and do at the park, outdoor toys, actions, pronouns, greetings, and animals.
Shopping with Paul
Go on a shopping trip and learn to sign a range of fruit, vegetables and other foods you can buy at the supermarket.